On a frosty 19th of January I arrived in the USA. I was a little bit sleepy. During my flight I was sitting in the middle of two huge British men who did need a lot of space. I expected to see somebody like Bruce Willis pick me up at the Airport. When I saw this smiling guy Scott (nearly Bruce Willis) with his daughter Rachel, I knew that my US-adventure started.
I want to tell you something about my new American home. One characteristic of this house: It`s a huge kennel for dogs. You know, at the moment I`m staying at Scott & Julie Stanley´s house. Just kidding, it is friendly and very nice to live here. On my first evening they gave me a big welcome with pasta & chicken. But you have to know in this house there are two strong Canadian Retrievers who attack everybody, who won´t play with them. Their names are Sammy & Ranger.
Some things I like a lot about American houses. Most of them have their own fire place with a white frame. The couches, carpets and the beds with a bunch of pillows are softer than in Germany. Immediately you feel tired if you are sitting in your comfortable armchair. I think my image of a good home depends much more on the people who are living inside than on other stuff. Stanleys, I enjoy staying very much with you. It`s a lot fun. Thank you for your great hospitality.
What is important for you to make your house feel like home?